Exacting Business Software - Developed to your Specification
Locating a specific grave / plot in a large cemetery can be a challenge.
Once you have finally found it, you then have to try to explain to the rest of your team how they can locate it by spending time taking photos, or drawing maps.
SNA have eradicated this time consuming problem by adopting the What3Words system.
What is What3Words?
The developers have divided the world into 3 metre squares and given each square a unique combination of three words.
It’s the easiest way to find and share exact locations.
If you download their app, you can get to the location required, open the app and it will geo-locate your position and offer you the three words that describe the location!
Simply save these words into your SNA Masonry Management System and you will give others the ability to locate exactly the grave or plot you need them to visit.
Simply clicking the what3words logo within SNA will open a map showing you the exact location.
Using the optional TEXT MESSAGE module in SNA, you can text the What3Words address to one of your team and they can then put it into the app and find the location.
You can also type the three words into the app and it will direct you to the location.
Think of the time saving!!
For more information about the full SNA System, please click here
Call 07977431128 or email simon@snanet.co.uk for more details.